How AtlasOMS Works

AtlasOMS (Operations Management System) assists organizations with managing asset lifecycles, streamlining maintenance operations, maximize supply chain performance, enhance safety, and improve regulatory compliance. AtlasOMS is a cloud-based GIS focused Operations Management system that plans, tracks, and manages your work activities and assets to cut downtime and costs.

AtlasOMS Systems

AtlasOMS Systems

An AtlasOMS account is comprised of several systems including; request, work, assets and more. Each system focuses on the different components of a work and asset management system. Combined the AtlasOMS systems create a modern, performant and easy-to-use Operations Management system. Learn more about each system below.

AtlasOMS Processes

As operations business process take place, AtlasOMS systems interact to assist in organizing and manging the complex work flows.

The diagram below shows some typical workflows and how they interact with AtlasOMS systems.

AtlasOMS System Processes