Work System

The Work System organizes the work occurring within the account, work assignments, work status and more.

The Work System is the main system in AtlasOMS managing and tracking all work- and work-related items. All work is organized within Projects. Each Project contains tasks. A task is an individual work item. Projects can be either active or archived or used as a template for repeating work events.

Work tasks can be planned, active or completed. Each work task can contain different sets of behaviors, workflows and capabilities based on its activity designation. Use the Work System to group, manage and report on similar work tasks within a project utilize work orders.

To access the Work System
  1. Sign in to AtlasOMS
  2. On the navigation bar, select the Work link.
  3. The Requests link on the navigation bar navigates to the Work System where Projects are listed.


To find the work specific for the logged in user, navigate to the home page and select My Work.

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